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发布来源:gdepu.com    发布时间:2023-12-24 18:17:55

goal 基本词汇 英 [ɡəʊl]   [ɡoʊl]    
  • newgoal的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)球门目标,目的守门员(足球、曲棍球等)射门,得分数,进球得分终点,目的地《球门》周刊努力的对象v.(动词)攻门射门得分双解释义n.(名词)[C]球门 (in football, hockey, etc.)pair of posts with a crossbar, between which the ball has to be kicked, hit, etc. in order to score[C]进球得的分 point scored when the ball goes into the goal[C]努力的对象,目标 object of one's efforts; target英英释义Noun:the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it;

    "the ends justify the means"

    the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey);

    "a crowd assembled at the finish"
    "he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view"

    game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points

    a successful attempt at scoring;

    "the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play"

    goal的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)No. 6 gave a long shot, but missed the goal.
    6号来了一个长射,但没有射中球门。He has achieved his goal.
    他已经实现了他的目标。If we lose sight of the goal, we cease to be Communists.
    如果忘记了这个目标,我们就不再是共产党员了。That last goal was a beauty.
    最後进去的那个球真漂亮。He kicked a penalty goal in the football match.
    在这场足球赛中,他主罚,踢进了一个球。 常见句型用作名词(n.)The centre forward headed the ball into the goal.
    中锋用头把球顶入球门。Jack centred the ball,Jim got it and kicked it into the goal.
    杰克把球传到中路,吉姆接过来把它踢进了球门。What a fantastic goal!
    这球进得多漂亮!They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal.
    他们终于突破了防守,射进一球。They had three goals in the first half, and another two in the second.
    他们在上半场进了3个球,下半场又进2个。A goal in the last minute decided the match.
    最后时刻的射门得分决定了这场比赛的胜负。We scored a goal in the first minute of the game.
    比赛开始头一分钟,我们就得了一分。He decided to reach his goal at all risks.
    他决心不顾一切达到自己的目标。Before starting on a project like this, you have to set yourself some clearly defined goals.
    在开始这样的项目之前,你必须为自己规定一些明确的目标。What was his ultimate goal?
    他的最终目标是什么?When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.
    当他终于抵达罗马时,感到自己已达到了目的。She had always wanted to own her own house, and now she had obtained her goal.
    她一直想有一所自己的房子,现在她已如愿以偿了。Prosperity for everyone is our long-term goal.
    使大家都富起来,是我们长期奋斗的目标。词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~get a goal得一分keep goal守球门make a goal得一分score a goal得一分take a goal得一分,进一球win a goal得一分,进一球achieve one's goal达到目标attain one's goal达到目标carry out the goal实现目标fight for a goal为目标而奋斗gain one's goal达到目的have a goal有目标,有目的keep a goal保持目标obtain one's goal达到目标reach one's goal达到目的realize a goal实现一项目标set oneself a goal of doing sth为自己确定做某事的目标形容词+~own goal(足球)踢入本队球门的一球an economic goal经济目标an ambitious goal野心勃勃的目标clear goal明确的目标common goal共同目标distant goal遥远的目标long-range goal长远目标long-term goal长期目标the ultimate goal最终目标true goal真正目的名词+~field goal美式足球中球被踢过球门横梁得三分的球,(篮球中除罚球外)投球中篮production goal生产指标~+名词goal keeper守门员goal line球门线介词+~win by two goals以两球获胜~+介词goal in life生活目标经典引文

    Crown'd with Laurels, fairly won, Sits smiling at the goal, while others run.

    goal, aim, purpose这组词的共同含义是“目的”,常通用,如aim〔goal,purpose〕 in life人生目标。它们之间的区别主要在于:1.goal指比较宏大的总目标; purpose指近期比较确定的意图; aim指短期内比较具体、实际的目标。例如:He often asked himself what his goal in life should be.他常常自问人生的目标该是什么。Do you come here for the purpose of seeing your family or for business purpose?你来此地是为了看家还是为了做生意?Their aim was to take over industry for her.他们的目标是为她接管产业。再如下面把aim和goal用在同一个句子里,其区别就更明显易见了:His aim was to pass his examinations this year and go to college so he could eventually reach his goal of being a teacher.他的目标是今年考上大学,以便最终实现当教师的抱负。2.purpose强调“有意去做”(行动坚决); aim强调“集中精力去做”(联想“瞄准”)。在努力程度上, aim比purpose要弱。例如:I am afraid he did it on purpose.我担心他是有意这么做的。His only aim in life is to make a fortune.他生活的唯一目标是赚钱发财。3.goal具有理想性,并不强调最后一定要实现; purpose和aim则暗示能够实现,这在动词aim for中体现最明显。例如:The presidency was the goal of his ambition.他的奋斗目标是当总统。His aim is to become a doctor.他的目标是当一个医生。4.purpose可以由他人来完成; 而goal则往往靠自己去努力。例如:The purpose of a tutorial system was to let each student realize his own educational goal.导师制旨在让学生认清自己的学习目标。5.aim不如goal和purpose生动。
    aim,goal,purpose,end,target,object,objective这些名词均有“目标、目的”之意。aim从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。goal指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。purpose普通用词,既jk是什么意思是什么?JK是“じょしこうこうせい ”(女子高校生)罗马音 jyoshi koukousei 的简写(取其中“J”和“K”),通常指日本女高中生;JK也是ACGN次文化中的萌属性之一。指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实现的目标。end指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。target指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或嘲笑的目标。object强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。objective与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。书面用词。
    词源解说☆ 1530年左右进入英语,直接源自中古英语的gol,意为边界。goal的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】aimambition aspirationdesigndestinationendintentionlimitmarkobjectobjectivepurposetarget【反义词】starting出发临近单词goaliegoadGoaloGoalecgoalerGoalardgoal-Goalhartgoalpostgoalwardgoal setgoal net
    本文标题:goal是什么意思_goal在线翻译_英语_读音_用法_例句 - 绯闻

